The Evil Blythe Army (so far) (3 of 3)

I figured it was time for a group shot of the Evil Blythe Army. So, here they are in all of their soul eating glory, including my middies, the Bossy Little Things.

From the back row, left to right; Esperanza, Jett, Skylar

Middle row, left to right; Penn, Betelgeuse, Bean, Sunny

Front row, left to right; Cassiopeia, Nada, Mathilda, Thindy, Flannery, Andromeda

Bossy Little Things; l to r- Reid, Noé and Fawn

One day, they will destroy you all!
One day, they will destroy you all!

Now for Poll time! If I get another girl, what color hair should I have? I’m not sure what would help balance it out. Some color is missing, and I just can’t figure it out. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Haze, is MIA, waiting on me to give her a face up and assemble her, and Jett, of course, is not in her final form.

Meet Reid; and Noé has hat envy!

My Furry Bella Bo middie Blythe came in, and I took a few pictures, but was too burnt out from work to post. I had bought a green pixie hat, and a cute kawaii animal print dress from Tired Mom Knits again. I swear I’m going to end up buying all her middie dresses. They are THAT cute (she also makes Neo dresses in the same style, and I have one of those on the way as well). ANYway, I had bought the dress/hat combo for Noé, but then, Reid, the Furry Bella Bo, came in and I realized how CUTE CUTE CUTE the outfit would look with her red hair. So it’s hers. Noé  was none too pleased.

What Noé doesn’t know, is that she’s going to be the recipient of the SPECIAL HAT from Kawaii Kandy…muahahahaha!


So. Middie happened today.

I am hooked on freaking Mandarake for all my Japanese toy import needs. USUALLY, the items need to be checked on, to see if they are in stock, you wait on an invoice and if it’s in stock, they hold the item, and you have 5 days to pay. WELL. That wasn’t the case with a spot sale. Apparently a spot sale means it’s definitely available, so I am now the proud owner of a Furry Bella Bo middie.  This is not such a bad thing. I got her for a pretty reasonable cost, better than the prices on Ebay , IF you can find her, and Mandarake ships super fast, even with EMS.

It was a toss up between the very cute Puchippu Chappu Pepa middie, and Furry Bella Bo. I have a fair number of girls with purple hair, but no redheads, so Bella was the winner.  Now, to come up with a name for her…the Bossy Little Things will be pleased.

The Bossy Little Things will be pleased.
The Bossy Little Things will be pleased.